months in the life of Roxy of Seven Smokes
29 June 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 3 months old.
21 June 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 12 weeks old. (click here).
7 June 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 10 weeks old. (click here).
31 May 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 9 weeks old. (click here).
24 May 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 8 weeks old. (click here).
17 May 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 7 weeks old. (click here).
10 May 2008, Roxy of Seven
Smokes is 6 weeks old. (click here).
3 May 2008, Roxy of Seven Smokes
is 5 weeks old. (click here).
26 April 2008, Roxy of Seven
Smokes is 4 weeks old and weighs 600 gm! (click
19 April 2008, Roxy of Seven
Smokes, the unique kitten of Narisah and Nautilus is 3 weeks old and
weighs 485
gm! (click
12 April 2008, the unique kitten
of Narisah and Nautilus is 2 weeks old and weighs 365 gm! (click
29 March 2008, the unique kitten
of Narisah and Nautilus is born (click here).